Friday, August 19, 2016


A few notes on the required readings list:

  1. I have taken Medea off the required readings "to buy" list. We will still read it, but I will provide you with copies of the play. If you have already purchased it, you can return it. If you don't want to, you can bring your own copy to class and follow along. *Please make sure you buy the edition noted on the required readings list to the left.*
  2. Our first texts will be How To Read Literature Like a Professor and The Best American Short Stories of the Century. Please make sure you have both texts by Tues. Sept. 13 (we are off Mon. Sept 12 for Eid).
  3. Our second unit will focus on the novels, The Great Gatsby and Ragtime. Please make sure you have these titles in hand by Wed. October 5 (we are off from school on Oct. 3 and 4 for Rosh Hashanah)

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