Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Socratic Seminars Tomorrow & Thursday; Dialectical Journal Collection Monday

We will discuss the entire book, Ragtime, in Socratic Seminar format tomorrow and Friday.
Dialectical journals will be collected on Monday. Make sure there are 10 pages minimum for each part of Ragtime (30 pages total).

Monday, November 28, 2016

Due Thursday: Finish Ragtime

Complete reading Ragtime. Write 10 pages in dialectical journal for Part III.
Thursday and Friday we will conduct Socratic Seminars. Everyone will participate in inner circle once.
Please prepare at least 3 topics/questions for discussion.

Friday, November 25, 2016

Choice Board

For Monday's independent reading response. This was distributed in class and posted in October.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

HW Due Mon. 11/28

Read Ragtime to p. 212 (end of part II)
Write min. 10 pages in dialectical journals.
Independent Reading Response #1 due 11/28.
Please share and print if possible, as well.
See choice board for directions.

Monday, November 21, 2016

HW Due Wed. Nov. 23

Watch and take notes on the video, "What is Ragtime Music?".
Be prepared to write about what you have learned and/or discuss it.

Friday, November 18, 2016

Article for Monday

Please pre-read then we will review in class. "E.L. Doctorow's Ragtime in the Context of Historiographic Metafiction" (World Literature Journal)
Make sure you have read Ragtime until page 105 and are keeping up with the dialectical journal entries (minimum 10 pages journal entries - total 10 not 10 per chapter!- for first 105 pages of text).

For further reference, read: "E.L. Doctorow's Postmodernist Style" (LA Review of Books), which supports our initial class discussion re: Postmodernism and Gatsby and the essay by Donald Barthelme.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

In-Class Timed Essay Tomorrow

Please be on time to class. Time starts when bell rings. If you are late, you do not get the time back. If you are entitled to additional time via accommodations, please come to finish your essay in B20 during lunch tomorrow ONLY.
Regular Time: 40 minutes
Extended Time 1.5: 60 minutes
Extended Time 2: 80 minutes

You will only be allowed to use the prompt (which will be posted on the SmartBoard), your pen, and loose leaf paper.

Please refer to the following resources to prepare yourself for the essay; Study them, review them.
Annotated copy of Gatsby
Cornell Notes from Envelope Presentations
Your Envelope Activity notes

Tips for writing Open Response Question 3:
NOTE: On the actual test, you are to address a prompt that can be applied to many different novels/short stories. On your in-class essay you will apply the prompt given (not the one on the document below, this is just an example) to Gatsby.,%20open%20essay.pdf
Thank you to the teachers at Cold Spring Harbor High School who posted these tips online.

Monday, November 14, 2016

HW Due Friday 11/18

Due Friday: Read Ragtime to end of Part I (p. 105).
For each chapter or when you feel inspired, write in dialectical journal (minimum 10 pages total).

This week at a glance:
Mon.: Richard Cory poem and lyrics
Tues: Gatsby Gallery Walk
Wed: Gatsby essay
Thurs: Sonny's Blues Socratic Seminar
Fri: Ragtime

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Due Tomorrow

I will be on a trip tomorrow with the juniors. Please complete the envelope posters by the end of the period. If you need to work on it during the day or at lunch, just make sure they are in my room by the end of the day.

Please leave your dialectical journals on my desk.

Ragtime due in class on Monday. Please secure your own copy. Reading will be assigned.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Upcoming Due Dates, please note revised deadlines

Continue to work on your Envelope Activity. Next week you will complete a final project in class.
Dialectical Journals will be collected the day that the project is complete. Please make sure you have completed all entries even if you were absent that day.

Due Nov. 7: Ragtime due in class.
Due Nov. 14: Read/annotate "Sonny's Blues" by James Baldwin
Due November 28: Independent Reading Response #1 due (see choice board)

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

HW Due Friday Nov. 4

For Tomorrow: Print, read, annotate the poem, "Richard Cory" by Edward Arlington Robinson.
Write response in dialectical journal.

Upcoming Due Dates: 
Envelope Activity project due Monday 11/7.

Dialectical Journals will be collected on Monday 11/7. 

Ragtime due on Monday 11/7.

Independent Reading Response #1 due 11/14.