Tuesday, November 15, 2016

In-Class Timed Essay Tomorrow

Please be on time to class. Time starts when bell rings. If you are late, you do not get the time back. If you are entitled to additional time via accommodations, please come to finish your essay in B20 during lunch tomorrow ONLY.
Regular Time: 40 minutes
Extended Time 1.5: 60 minutes
Extended Time 2: 80 minutes

You will only be allowed to use the prompt (which will be posted on the SmartBoard), your pen, and loose leaf paper.

Please refer to the following resources to prepare yourself for the essay; Study them, review them.
Annotated copy of Gatsby
Cornell Notes from Envelope Presentations
Your Envelope Activity notes

Tips for writing Open Response Question 3:
NOTE: On the actual test, you are to address a prompt that can be applied to many different novels/short stories. On your in-class essay you will apply the prompt given (not the one on the document below, this is just an example) to Gatsby.
Thank you to the teachers at Cold Spring Harbor High School who posted these tips online.

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