You do not need to print, a copy will be provided to you soon. Begin to read online.
Your dialectical journals will be returned to you shortly. You must produce 10 full pages of response to this scholarly article. As we perform Medea, make connections to your understanding of the play.
Important notes for dialectical journal entries:
- Date and title each page of your dialectical journal. The title should correspond with the text or texts that you are reading.
- Your journal must be divided into two columns.
- Left column is for text evidence. You can use evidence from the scholarly article and from the play. Please indicate page and/or line numbers with the direct text evidence.
- Right column is for response. "Refer to the 12 Steps to Explication de Texte" handout for ideas. (you must be logged into WJPS email to open this document). DO NOT SUMMARIZE THE TEXT EVIDENCE. You must use evidence from the entire documents. Please do not just concentrate on one section. You have to prove that you read, understood, and responded in an AP-level manner to the whole documents.
- Journals are due on Friday 1/20 at the start of class. Please do not leave these for the last minute. You are receiving ample time to complete this, and do it well.
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