Sunday, February 12, 2017

Plan for the week of 2/13

For Monday and Tuesday: You have to complete reading Jane Eyre through Chapter 19. Complete dialectical journal entries. They will be collected at the END of the reading. Keep up or you will be swamped. You will have additional reading to do this week and over break, with more journal entries to come.
Tomorrow, we will begin planning for the lens paper. You will choose a lens and sit in groups based on your lens. You will then discuss what has been read thus far and how your lens can be applied to the reading.

For Wednesday: See rubrics tab at top or see link under rubric title. Please print a copy of AP Lit & Comp Open Question 3 Generic Rubric.
If you completed your essay on a laptop, please PRINT your essay and bring it in on Wednesday. We will be reviewing the rubric, and you will use my comments and your own reflection to score your own essays, then compare your grades with mine (assume I am the "expert reader").

For Thursday and Friday: We will read and analyze a short story and make comparisons to Jane Eyre.

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