Thursday, October 20, 2016

HW Due Mon. 10/24

Read Gatsby Chapter 3.
Enter these vocabulary words with definitions in context: (note them where they appear in your books)

  1. Innuendo: suggestive hint (40)
  2. Prodigality: wasteful extravagance (40)
  3. Homogeneity: of the same kind (44)
  4. Spectroscopic: relationship between matter and electromagnetic radiation  (44)
  5. Obstetrical: present, focused (50)
  6. Subterfuges: deceit in order to achieve a goal (58)
Create dialectical journal entries (minimum 2 pages, with evidence on left side - what text says and with reaction on right side - your opinions, comments, connections, noticings)

Preview image that we will discuss in class.
Think: How does image enhance your understanding of Gatsby?

Envelope presentations: Chapter 1 - 3 on Tuesday.

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