Monday, October 24, 2016

HW Due Wed. 10/26

Read Gatsby Chapter 4 and 5 by Wednesday.
Annotate for envelope activity.
Write min. 2 pages in dialectical journals for each chapter.
Record and define vocabulary in books or notebooks. Make sure you have defined the proper part of speech using Oxford English Dictionary ONLY!
****These page numbers may be wrong. Sorry. I am pretty sure I am doing too many tasks at once. When you see these words in the book, define****
Chapter 4:
  1. Knickerbockers (62):
  2. Punctilious (64):
  3. Rajah (65):
  4. Somnambulatory (69):
  5. Juxtaposition (71):
  6. Beaux (75):
Chapter 5:
  1. Harrowed (90):
  2. Tonic (90):
  3. Defunct (91):
  4. Kant (93):
  5. Vestige (94):
  6. Postern (96):
  7. Swathe (96):
  8. Pompadour (99):
  9. Nebulous (100):

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