Wednesday, March 1, 2017

HW Due Thurs. 3/2

Continue to work on Lens Paper.
Follow directions on LensPaperNotes (if you have not shared it with me yet, that's a big problem> I am checking your progress and helping you pace your project).

DUE DATE: April 19. NO LATE PAPERS ACCEPTED. You will work on this paper while we continue with our other units. We will reserve some days to conference once your drafts are done. Please follow mini-deadlines.

Due Tomorrow: Read and annotate at least one literary criticism that fits with your lens. It does not need to be of Jane Eyre, but it does need to provide you with a sense of style and organization that you like. This will help you think of ways to write your own paper. Complete the "notes" section of LensPaperNotes. Complete "Stylistic Noticings" section to keep track of diction, syntax, structure, voice, use of evidence, analysis style, etc. Make note of ways in which you could borrow what works in terms of writing and apply it to your own paper.

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