Monday, March 20, 2017

HW Due Wed. 3/22

Read and take notes: An Introduction to Shakespeare's Comedies (note the hallmarks of Shakespeare's Comedies)
Quick Lit Terms & Shakespeare's Comedy Hallmarks Quiz Wed.

Terms Reviewed in class Monday 3/20:
Pun: A play on words that are either identical in sound (homonyms) or very similar in sound, but are sharply diverse in meaning. Shakespeare often uses a special type of pun - the equivoque - the use of a single word or phrase which has two disparate meanings, in a context which makes both meanings equally relevant.
Malapropism: the conspicuous and unintended violation of standard diction or grammar that mistakenly uses a word in place of another that it resembles; the effect is usually comic.
Bathos: (coined by poet Alexander Pope) an abrupt turn from the serious and poetic to the mundane and silly. Similar to an anticlimax, it shocks the audience with its unexpected shift.

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